Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tips for posting classified ads. Get your own domain name!

If you are promoting popular programs that many other people are promoting it is highly likely that the highest traffic sites will ban your affiliate link. It is nothing personal. The sites are just sick of having their sites spammed with the same content over and over and over. So if you are trying to promote a popular program add your own originality to it. Buy your own domain name for 10 bucks per year and redirect it to your affiliate link at a minimum. Better yet just learn a little html and design your own simple website or blog with your original view of your program  and YOUR autoresponder system promoting your program. So many of these programs tell you that you can make money by doing nothing. You cannot. You have to learn a little bit about internet marketing and web design. Sorry that is the truth. Maybe come up with some bonuses why people should join with you and put that on a website. You need an edge to succeed. Having your own domain name and website and special unique bonuses is a great place to start. And if you are not willing to put that minimum effort into your business then maybe you should just get a government job and forget about being an entrepreneur. I see so many people with the "lotto mentality." Make money do thing. I tell you where it ends up.It ends up with you old, broke, and barely living off of social security. In order to make money you need to learn your craft, and provide some value. This takes work. It will not happen by "doing nothing." Wishing you much success! Now get off your butt and get to work! Make money by doing something!

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